Monday, April 30, 2007
US Supreme Court: police can kill to stop high speed chase
Scott v. Harris
Friday, April 27, 2007
Time for Mike Vick to be a man
The Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force (VAFTF) responded to assist Virginia State Police and Drug Task Force officers upon the execution of a search warrant on April 25, 2007 at the Smithfield, Virginia property of Michael Vick. Evidence seized included:
• a number of injured American Pit Bull Terrier dogs
• animal fighting paraphernalia
• animal training and breeding equipment including a "rape stand"
Again for more on the report about the sick details of what police discovered visit the site.
He can't hide from the truth forever. "50 abused dogs" is what investigators found. He knew what was going on and let it happen. Let's hope the companies he has endorsement deals with wake up and help him take the responsibility that ultimately resides with him.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Why do animal testing
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Change the laws to include murder charges for animals killed
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Fox guards the hen house
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Texas OU football game stays in Dallas at Cotton bowl
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Royal Canin and Blue Buffalo dry pet foods added to recalls
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How to stop another Virginia Tech, step one...
Alto, Texas — After a 13-year-old Alto boy reportedly admitted to the January 4 fatal shooting of a cat on the animal’s family’s property and an ensuing investigation turned up further evidence of a crime, PETA wrote to Cherokee County Attorney Craig Caldwell urging him to file felony cruelty-to-animals charges against the boy in accordance with the Texas Penal Code. In his reply, Caldwell stated that because the suspect is a juvenile, Caldwell could not release records and files on the case—despite the fact that PETA was only requesting that he say whether or not charges will be filed.
Now, more than three months after Tetsu, a 1-year-old cat, was found dead in the yard by his guardian—who reportedly also saw the boy brandishing a shotgun nearby—no charges have been filed, and Caldwell isn’t talking. PETA has posted an action alert on its heavily trafficked Web site urging visitors to contact Caldwell and demand that he charge the suspect to the fullest extent of the law.
PETA points out that such heinous crimes against animals are a red flag—especially when committed by juveniles. FBI interviews with murderers showed that 36 percent had tortured and killed animals as children and that 46 percent had done so as adolescents. Serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer, Albert DeSalvo ("The Boston Strangler"), David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam"), and Lee Boyd Malvo all had histories of killing animals. In recent years, many schools have suffered the tragic consequences of ignoring or casually dismissing such crimes when children opened fire on schoolmates and other people.
"Mr. Caldwell’s job is to uphold and enforce the laws, and he’s refusing even to state whether or not charges will be brought against Tetsu’s allegedly confessed killer," says PETA Director Daphna Nachminovitch. "Repeat offenders are the rule—not the exception—among animal abusers. Failing to act now may only encourage further abuses and killings."
Thursday, April 19, 2007
exports to China growing fast for Texas business
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
New updates on pet food recall, new dry foods added
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
White House Says Bush Will Veto Senate Medicare Bill
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TSA Likely to Miss Deadline for Port Worker Security ID
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updates on pet food recalls
Secondly, be aware of any local brands such as those produced for local grocery stores. In my area we have HEB stores and some of their Hill Country brand foods are under the recall. Check with your store or visit the store web sites for more information. As always, you can visit for more information on this situation as well as other foods and products under recall.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Act 2 help
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For all the PETA haters
(courtesy of AOL/AP)
COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) - A Callaway County animal research lab has agreed to pay a $33,000 civil penalty after investigators alleged the company committed nearly 40 violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture filed the complaint against Sinclair Research Center in October 2006, more than three years after animal rights activists targeted the lab in an undercover sting.
Among the violations found by Agriculture Department inspectors: failing to provide animals with appropriate pain relief during surgery; inadequate training of employees for animal handling and care; failure to vaccinate research dogs and cats; and keeping animals in cages smaller than the legal limits.
``The gravity of the violations alleged in this complaint is great,'' the report concluded.
The Agriculture Department also accused Sinclair Research of a ``lack of good faith'' for conducting research at a location not known to the federal agency.
This "research lab" is still in business despite their horrendous record. They continue to sell live animals for useless research. Its time to put an end to this cruel behavior.

Thursday, April 12, 2007
FDA Says Tainted Pet Food Still Being Sold
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Myspace vs. Photobucket
The big picture: Photobucket vs. MySpace by ZDNet's Larry Dignan -- MySpace has pulled millions of Photobucket video from its site. That's the headline of the moment, but the real interesting developments occur when you zoom out a bit. The big picture matters a lot more than the initial story (Techmeme discussion). Here's why: Web 2.0 business models. Photobucket clearly depends on the MySpace ecosystem. However, one [...]
MySpace blocks Photobucket videos; the end of the wild west of social networks? by ZDNet's Steve O'Hear -- MySpace, the 100 pound guerrilla of social networking, is at it again -- this time blocking Photobucket videos from being embedded on the site. MySpace has always been like the wild west of social networks, but now that the site's owners, News Corp. are acting like a belligerent dictator -- how long before its users decide to leave town?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
House committee subpoena to AG Gonzales
Monday, April 9, 2007
All-New 2009 Ford Flex Crossover Debuts
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Friday, April 6, 2007
Discovery Channel PlanetGreen coming in 2008
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To my US Senator from Texas: Welcome to the 20th century, yes the 20th century!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Another brand of dog biscuits added to recall
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Who is paying for Monica Goodling's lawyers?
Akin Gump letter
Ron Hutcheson article
To my Oklahoma friends
See what one person in power can do! My OK friends, you have got to get rid of this guy for the good of the rest of the country.