(courtesy of AOL/AP)
COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) - A Callaway County animal research lab has agreed to pay a $33,000 civil penalty after investigators alleged the company committed nearly 40 violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture filed the complaint against Sinclair Research Center in October 2006, more than three years after animal rights activists targeted the lab in an undercover sting.
Among the violations found by Agriculture Department inspectors: failing to provide animals with appropriate pain relief during surgery; inadequate training of employees for animal handling and care; failure to vaccinate research dogs and cats; and keeping animals in cages smaller than the legal limits.
``The gravity of the violations alleged in this complaint is great,'' the report concluded.
The Agriculture Department also accused Sinclair Research of a ``lack of good faith'' for conducting research at a location not known to the federal agency.
This "research lab" is still in business despite their horrendous record. They continue to sell live animals for useless research. Its time to put an end to this cruel behavior.

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