Wednesday, June 6, 2007

OUTRAGE! ILL judge rules against legis

In an outrageous action an Illinois federal judge has granted an injunction for the horse slaughter industry! Despite the fact that horse meat is not consumed in the United States. Despite the fact that the people of Illinois had their legislature pass laws outlawing such heinous practices. These slaughter facilities are shipping horse meat overseas after killing American horses! Why do we let this happen. You can help. Contact your United States Congressional Rep or Senator and ask that they support the pending federal legislation to outlaw all horse slaughter. We must end this inhumane practice and prevent our horses from ending up as food in France and Belgium. We did it in Texas, so Illinois is the last slaughter house in the U.S. We also don't want them shipping our horses to Mexico and Canada. We already know how much those countries like to kill (seals in Canada and each other in Mexico, I'm hispanic by the way so take a pill). Please do your part to help American horses!

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