Monday, August 13, 2007

Dogs of war

I have always stated that I support our troops. I believe in a strong military. I believe in a strong CIA. But I don't believe in wasting lives and resources. And I especially don't believe that we should use animals in our war efforts. Give me someone to torture and I'll do the job just find but leave the dogs at home.

I was distressed to learn recently for the first time that our military considers dogs as "equipment" and that after Vietnam we left thousands of dogs behind as we abandoned that country in miserable defeat. I would hope that in this day and age that would no longer be the case. How can we justify using dogs for torture or battle but yet not give them the same protections and rights as their fellow soldiers?

My new picture on the left is of the war dog memorial. A dog named Chip saved many, many lives in war was awarded a silver star but because he was officially labeled as mere equipment the medal was taken away from him. He served with dignity and honor. For more about him and other dogs that have sacrificed their lives for our troops click the links below.

US War Dogs Memorial

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