Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thanks to good people

Good people like Alicia Silverstone do their part to educate people on the abuses that animals suffer thru on a daily basis but they often go a step further to educate people on how they can take better care of themselves. PETA was kind enough to put out a commercial featuring the beautiful Ms. Silverstone and the effects of healthy eating. I know how people here in my home state of Texas generally react to these promotions, but I am hoping that people will be wise enough to see the benefits of eating healthier. Whether you decide to become a complete vegetarian is up to you. But when you consider the effects of eating meat whether its mad cow disease or just the heart trouble you can end up with later. People would be wise to take notice of this important issue and consider changes that will help them not only live longer and better lives but will impact their family as well. If not for you then maybe do it for your family or others who count on you.

Alicia's nude PETA commercial

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