Thursday, March 22, 2007


Guns have been in the news a lot. I like guns. I was a hunter as a kid but now I could not bring myself to shoot an animal. But I still like guns. And I have guns, at home for security. Now the news lately has been bad for home owners in Tennessee, as a Home Owners Association (HOA) has decided to ban guns from homes in a particular neighborhood. I can think of a few neighborhoods in my town who should not have guns but I doubt they have a HOA to tell them that. Also here in Texas our legislature passed a bill called the Castle bill that would allow a person to shot first and ask questions later to protect their home and family. First, know that I am conservative when it comes to crime. I like this bill. Sure lots of mistakes or accidents are likely to happen but here in Texas you are allowed to carry a firearm at all times, as long as you have a permit. Of course many places, public businesses and government offices prohibit guns inside their buildings, but still its allowed in public. Now comes Iowa. The legislature is considering banning guns for people accused of domestic violence or people who have restraining orders. Again, a very good idea. If you are dangerous, violent or have committed a crime, you should lose your right to a gun. But would they create an exception to having one at home? That's the thing about the law. All laws seem to have exceptions. And in some cases, exceptions to the exception. Figure that one out. Feel free to give your opinion. What are the laws in your state? What should they be?

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