Friday, March 23, 2007

march to war

The month of March is almost over but today we hear of the Iranians taking 15 British soldiers hostage. And yesterday the Democrats asking that our troops be out of Iraq by March 2008. Things are really heating up again. The US was already strongly considering war with Iran. No doubt Bush is pushing the British to escalate this matter to the fullest extent. I'm not anti-war myself but I do understand the family members of those troops that are in harms way. And obviously as you can see from my other posts, I do not agree with using animals in war. So from that regard I am a bit anti-war and want our troops and animals to come home. However, we cannot abandoned Iraq completely. This would open the door to Iran to take over the entire area. So to all my anti-war friends I ask you to consider the fact that we will always need to have soldiers in the area to keep Iraq a democracy and not a bunch of religious zealots like Iran.

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